Displaying only one category for the [podlove-episode-list]

I am working on setting the system up and I want to be able to have 2 seperate lists of all episodes based on the category assigned to the podcast.

Ideally what I want is to use the shortcode [podlove-episode-list] with a “category:XXXX” variable to be able to select which category to display in that list.

Any ideas on how this can be achieved?

You can see the demo of my lists on http://korudev.oru.edu/podcasts/ where the lists are seperated by SLCF and Time Machine

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The shortcode is just a convenience access to this template: http://docs.podlove.org/reference/templates/#list-of-episodes

You can copy this and adapt it to your needs. Instead of {% for episode in podcast.episodes %}, you can filter by category like this: {% for episode in podcast.episodes({category: "example"}) %}. For a full list of parameters, see http://docs.podlove.org/reference/template-tags/#podcast.

So I would need to build a custom template to do this purpose or would I be able to build a custom shortcode?

Yes, the shortcode has no options. You need to copy the template and adjust it.

See http://docs.podlove.org/guides/understanding-templates/ for an introduction.