Feed: Shownotes include download buttons


recently I released a new podcast episode and I discovered that my AAC feed’s (.m4a) shownotes include the download button, which should only be displayed on the website and should not be displayed in podcatchers. It looks like this:




Before I published the last episode this was not the case and I also don’t see it at other podcasts who use the Podlove Publisher. I activated the checkbox “Include HTML Content” in the feed’s settings.

The template I use for the episode post is this one:

   {% import "studierzimmer-macros" as macros %}
<div class="episode_meta">

                    {{ macros.print_date(episode.publicationDate, language) }}
                    {{ macros.print_duration(episode.duration, language) }}

{{ episode.player }}
{% include '@core/shortcode/downloads-select.twig' %}
[podlove-episode-contributor-list flattr="yes" title="zu hören"]

So is this a bug or a feature and how can I disable it?


{% if not is_feed() %}
  {{ episode.player }}
{% endif %}

Thank you, Tim!