Feedback on Podlove Subscribe Button

I had a good friend of mine who is fairly proficient using a computer try out the new subscribe button. As you will see from her comments, as nice as it is, it turned into something of a disaster. Here is what she wrote to me:

Walt - Google Podcast was NOT one of the options. The options from my cell available to me were these:

Let device decide
AntennaPod - tried buy I can’t get it to pull up our podcast
Podcast Addict - tried but didn’t like b/c I couldn’t find how to save our podcast
Podcast Republic
Podcatcher Deluxe
Other App

When clicking on one of the options, nothing happened. So, I needed to go directly to the Google Play Store.

I tried 2 of the above options, but with no success. Honestly, THIS Subscribe button is more confusing than what you had previously. My recommendation is to go back to what you had.

This reinforces for me two things:

First, unless it’s made really clear that someone needs to install a podcast app before it will work, they won’t do it. They’ll simply give up.

Second, too many choices is too confusing for people.

UPDATE: I realized that I didn’t propose a solution when I first posted this. My solution is what I posted earlier: that we need to be able to pick-and-choose which app connections to offer, or even better to make iPhone Podcasts and Google Podcasts the default selections for iPhone and Android. Since Podcasts is installed by default on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod, and Google Podcasts works regardless of whether it’s been installed on an Android, they are the logical choices for default apps on the two major O/S’s.

Well, we really need to put in Google Podcasts in which we haven’t done yet for unknown reasons. Apart from that I agree here is potential for simplication but so far only iOS had a “default” podcast app but we always felt it should be presented alongside other apps to make it fair to everybody. However, we should probably reconsider this too to reflect reality

I agree with your sentiment. That’s why I recommend giving publishers the choice. Those who want to feature lesser-known apps should be able to do so, while those who want to go with the “big” ones can go that route. Letting publishers decide which app would be their “default” app for an O/S would be ideal.