Getting Started - 404 error in Podlove but file is available

Hi there, just getting started.
I have put a file in Amazon s3 here:

This reroutes to my{filename} via cname.
But it doesnt work in Podlove.
Weird thing is if I type the url with http in the browser, it redirects to the podcast home page as set in podlove.
If I type it without the http it opens the mp3!!??

[2015-05-22 10:58:48] Unexpected http response when trying to access remote media file.	new-fontiers/MP3 Audio HTTP Status: 404
[2015-05-22 10:58:48] Curl Error: The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found	new-fontiers/MP3 Audio
[2015-05-22 10:58:48] Unexpected http response when trying to access remote media file.	new-fontiers/MP3 Audio HTTP Status: 404
[2015-05-22 10:58:48] --- # Can't reach --- # Please include this output when you report a bug url: content_type: http_code: 404 header_size: 0 request_size: 214 filetime: -1 ssl_verify_result: 0 redirect_count: 0 total_time: 0.110379 namelookup_time: 0.014002 connect_time: 0.014682 pretransfer_time: 0.014707 size_upload: 0 size_download: 0 speed_download: 0 speed_upload: 0 download_content_length: -1 upload_content_length: 0 starttransfer_time: 0.11036 redirect_time: 0 certinfo: Array ( ) primary_ip: primary_port: 80 local_ip: local_port: 58073 redirect_url: php_open_basedir: php_safe_mode: php_curl: 1 curl_exec: 1

Can you explain what exactly you mean by “but it does not work in Podlove”?

I can’t reproduce the redirect behavior: the URL always delivers the MP3. There is no redirecting to in place how I see it.

Please tell us how your media file base URL is set in Podlove Publisher. It should probably be but is probably set to

Hey Tim, you’re a legend!
I see now that I attached the file using the http I copied in and it actually resolved to a different url than I was expecting. Weird.
Anyway, I updated the settings/media URL to https://s3… as above and it didn’t resolve the issue.

What I was saying before was if I copied and pasted the URL from the error message above ( it just returned me to the /podcast page
BUT, when I just typed it opened the media file…

So strange.
Any help appreciated. Here is the new error message after updating the settings/media url:
[2015-05-22 20:10:43] — # Can’t reach — # Please include this output when you report a bug url: content_type: http_code: 404 header_size: 0 request_size: 231 filetime: -1 ssl_verify_result: 0 redirect_count: 0 total_time: 0.062197 namelookup_time: 0.000536 connect_time: 0.00199 pretransfer_time: 0.038388 size_upload: 0 size_download: 0 speed_download: 0 speed_upload: 0 download_content_length: -1 upload_content_length: 0 starttransfer_time: 0.062186 redirect_time: 0 certinfo: Array ( ) primary_ip: primary_port: 443 local_ip: local_port: 41008 redirect_url: php_open_basedir: php_safe_mode: php_curl: 1 curl_exec: 1

Ok, 40000 settings later and I have it all working.
Why does the player appear twice on the episode page?

Currently I only get a database error. If you are seeing the player twice you are probably using a template twice or have it included twice in the template.

So aweseome! That’s what it was, I read in a comment on the forum to add the shortcode to the page, but the template had already added it.

The last thing and everything is perfect:
I am getting some components of the player on this page. Its the “episodes” page and the podcast landing page in the Expert settings.

It has the first episode listed, then underneath it says: “MP3 Audio [8 MB]DownloadShow URL” in plain text.


Weird. What theme are you using here?

Genesis Framework from Studiopress. Altitude is the child theme

Sorry, dass ich den alten Thread aufmache aber ich habe ein ähnliches Problem bzw die selbe Fehlermeldung.
Vor ein paar Tagen lief alles noch reibungslos. Letzten Dienstag wollte ich eine neue Episode online stellen und trotz vorhandener Datei und entsprechendem Media File Slug findet er die Dateien nicht.

direkt ist die mp3 abrufbar:

als File Upload Loaction in den Podcast settings ist : konfiguriert. (im Epsioden Menü stehts ja auch nochmal “Media File Base URL:”)

und trotzdem bekomme ich im Dashboard folgenden Fehler:

[2015-09-13 20:22:50] Unexpected http response when trying to access remote media file. gamedorf-und-daddler-016-prekaufrausch/MP3 Audio HTTP Status: 0
[2015-09-13 20:22:50] — # Can’t reach — # Please include this output when you report a bug url: content_type: http_code: 0 header_size: 0 request_size: 261 filetime: -1 ssl_verify_result: 0 redirect_count: 0 total_time: 0.034343 namelookup_time: 0.004094 connect_time: 0.004139 pretransfer_time: 0.034342 size_upload: 0 size_download: 0 speed_download: 0 speed_upload: 0 download_content_length: -1 upload_content_length: 0 starttransfer_time: 0 redirect_time: 0 redirect_url: primary_ip: certinfo: Array ( ) primary_port: 443 local_ip: local_port: 44875 php_open_basedir: php_safe_mode: php_curl: 1 curl_exec: 1

im nginx error log steht nur immer: "2015/09/13 20:54:52 [alert] 5669#0: worker process 5708 exited on signal 11 (core dumped)"
Dateirechte sind auch unverändert: Owner ist www-data:www-data und hat Lese-Rechte

Wäre sehr froh wenn mir jemand einen Tipp in die richtige Richtung geben könnte.
Danke im Voraus.

Gruß Dawit

(habe in den FAQ und Community Guidelines nichts gefunden, falls ich besser in Englisch fragen soll würde ich es nochmal umformulieren.)

Danke, hat sich erledigt.
war ein Bug im nginx.
musste in der sites-available Datei beim 443 server folgende Zeile hinzufügen:
ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m;

jetzt läuft wieder alles ohne Probleme

Gruß Dawit

Hi Guys - old thread but I am having a similar problem.

I have watched the video and understand it all - just having issues getting the file to link.

Setup a S3 bucket to hold the files.

Upload location. I understand this needs to be a URL.

I copied this URL from the bar at the top of the page.

Then I clicked the MP3 file itself to get the Episode Media file slug.

It verifies the file with the slug: %231%20The%20Word

If i open the post to view the episode - It gives me a network error!

Screenshot 2020-11-03 at 11.31.40 Screenshot 2020-11-03 at 11.29.14|2206x1238