Show Summary Page


I’m putting together a taxonomy template for Shows. I’m able to display the archive of shows, and the “title” of the show using the standard functions provided for a taxonomy template. What I would like to do is get the show image and summary.

Is there any way I can access show details through PHP, using the show slug?


Have you looked into the Podlove Templates?

Thanks for the response.

Yes I have reviewed that page extensively - some great details there for most of the things I’ve been doing. It’s the Shows where I’ve struggled.

What I was looking for was something like the PodcastList, but for shows rather than networks. Or a way to filter the $podcast->shows for a specific show slug.

I could do this myself by loading the list of shows and then filtering at load - I was just hoping there was a more efficient way.


For metadata, everything should be available, not just the title:


There’s currently no simple way to fetch a specific show, I can see that this would be useful. For now you would have to iterate over all shows in the template and match on the slug.

Understood Eric. I will iterate over the shows as you suggest for now.
