After clicking on "NEXT" no List of Clients or Cloud is appearing

Hi There!

I embedded the Podlove Subscribe Button into my Tumblr-Site, which was very easy and no Problem. When I click on subscribe, the button opens and my Podcasts apperas. Everything fine. But when I click on next, to select an integrated App or Cloud Service, the upcoming Window is absolutely empty.

I am using Soundcloud as Host and this is the URL of the Feed:

The Feed is working fine, I just tested it for the 100th Time. There are absolutely no Problems.

I am thankful for any help!



Unfortunately the generator has a little bug. If you replace the first part of the embed code you got with this one you should be fine:

window.podcastData={"title":"Nachricht Eins","subtitle":"Sven spricht. Manchmal mit anderen und manchmal mit sich selbst.","description":"Sven spricht. Manchmal mit anderen und manchmal mit sich selbst. Mit sich selbst ĂĽber sein Leben und seine Erlebnisse und Gedanken in und ĂĽber das selbige. Und mit anderen ĂĽber allerlei Dinge, Sachen und Kram aus deren Leben.","cover":"","feeds":[{"type":"audio","format":"mp3","url":""}]}

Let me know if it works!

The bug is also fixed now, so you can also just use the generator to create a new code.

It Works! Thanks a Lot!

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