some days ago I removed the standalone download buttons from my podlove episode template
{% include "@core/shortcode/downloads-select.twig" %}
because the new web player V3 includes a download tab. Yesterday we published the first episode after I removed the standalone download buttons and looking at the analytics of that episode I just noticed that there are 0% downloads via the download buttons. Only feed and web player. The average are ~3% per episode.
I wonder whether the downloads via the player’s iFrame are counted as downloads or web player or maybe not at all?
The web player is not aware of the Publisher Analytics. It just gets one URL per asset and uses the same no matter for playing or displaying the download buttons.
Maybe the player should offer a separate config field for downloads? Or do you have a better idea for this problem @line_o?
We already have separate fields that can be used for assets download urls. They were added specifically for this use case.
That is the concept behind it, at least. It may be the case that the media files are not added as assets but copied from the list of media files instead. I need to check that.
Does the publisher provide two different URLs for the other assets already? Guess they are not part of the download statistics.
So we need to check that, @ericteubert
The code is there.
Right now downloads via the web player are counted, but counted as web player plays. As @line_o says, we need to provide multiple URLs to fix the tracking metadata. But they are already counted.