Cant jump into audio after first listen

I currently have an issue in Chromium-Browsers. After the first run of an audio, I cant use the progressbar anymore to jump into the audio.

Steps to reproduce in my case:

  1. click play
  2. let it run till the end (it happens after the progressbar gets reloaded because the audio is a bit longer than the progressbar is after the load – i have no idea why because i also insert milliseconds information in my episode config)
  3. click into the progress bar → the audio always jumps back to the start

I am using podlove inside an vue 3 application.

Step 3 also happens if i set it with PLAYER_REQUEST_PLAYTIME.

Thanks in advance,

Please send a page/repo so I can reproduce the issue.

by making a little application to show you the issue i found the problem myself.
The problem was the c# backend. I had to set EnableRangeProcessing otherwise it would not work.