Continuous play?

Moin! On I’m using Podlove as good as I can. On episode pages, when the Podlove player is done playing, it automatically plays the next episode. How can I change that to just stopping at the end, by default?

Thank! I love Podlove, the publisher, player, and everything!


@Joey raised the same question and you are right I should (and will) provide a setting to actively enable the related episodes feature. You could already try to define an empty show, but this is just a workaround (see [Tutorial] Podlove Web Player 5 and Podlove Publisher Integration).


Thanks a lot! I’ll wait for the setting then :wink:

PS: thank you very much in general for the excellent work, highly appreciated!

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Version 5.4.1 should allow you to disable the “Related Episodes” feature in the config :slight_smile:


Works perfectly :slight_smile: Thank you so much!

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