I tried to embed the Webplayer on a typo3 website with the standard embedding code from the share sheet. But the embedded player only shows a play button. I would like to embed the chapters, too. Is there any thing i can do about it?
This is currently not possible since the iframe limits the content height of the player to a fixed value. If you can include a javascript it should be possible to embed the full player.
Is it possible now?
Or: is it possible if we have the player plugin running on one Wordpress domain (bla.xyz.com) and the Publisher plugin on another one (xyz.com) and they don’t share the same database?
That would be also helpful.
Frank J.
Yes that is possible, there is a plugin dedicated to do this: GitHub - alexander-heimbuch/podlove-player-aggregator: Aggregates Players from multiple Podlove instances You need to have the Podlove Web Player Plugin running on the origin instance and this one on the instance you want to include the podcasts.
Hi, thank you for your reply. I just now found the time to try it out.
I tried this solution with the provider-blog (all-means-all.education) and it shows up in the plugin
but on the website the transcript is not shown.
I want it to look like here:
Should this be possible with the plugin?
Best wishes
Frank J.