Episode does not show up in RSS Feed

Dear Podlove Community,

I am facing an issue that I cannot resolve, although it feels like I tried everything. Now I am out of ideas and hope for your advice.

I installed Podlove Publisher and followed all required steps. I also created an episode which works fine when I click on it (see here: https://strategy-explorer.xyz/drei-missverstaendnisse-ueber-zukunftsforschung/). Unfortunately, the episode does not show up as content in the RSS feed.

The RSS feed contains all relevant information about the podcast itself, but not the episode content. I discovered this when I submitted the feed to Amazon Music and it showed the general podcast info but no episodes. Checking it by having a close look at the feed generated by Podlove revealed the problem is with Podlove and/or my website.

I tried the repair button already. I also deleted both the episode and the feed and recreated them, but this did not change anything.

What else can I do? I hope you can help me - I have spent a lot of time on this already…

Thanks a lot in advance for your insights and hints! :slight_smile: