Error while playing via Webplayer

Hey there. This is my first post, so apologies if s/t isn’t as it used to be standard in this community.
I have a slight issue with the Podlove Webplayer.
First of all the link to the episode concerning this error:

So, the episode starts playing but stops after a few minutes with an error (see attached screenshot). 10

The file is 100% online, the episode is playable with several Podcatcher and the file itself is also playable.

I run on WP 5.3.2 DE, Theme ist Mesmerize Pro, Version: 1.6.72., Podlove is Version 2.9.9
I also deleted the file and uploaded it again, same issue. I also tried to change the Player from Podigee to Web Player 4 -> no changes.

I appreciate any input. thanks in advance.