Until Podlove Producer is updated I just hacked my way into it…
any news about bug fixing on Podlove Producer?
Thank you very much for making your “hack” available to us.
This issue in the code was of GREAT help
Hi there,
we had the same problem. We fixed it by replacing a part of the original embed code, which was:
we replaced the marked part of that code by using https://www.urlencoder.org:
now it looks like that:
and finally works.
but we got even more trouble (no player at all showing when we embedded) with the latest update to of podlove podcast publisher (2.8.9), so we went back to 2.8.6. Now everything works fine for us.
This issue should be fixed with Web Player version 4.5.9 (the invalid share base and the URL encoding). @ericteubert isn’t that the version that ships with 2.8.9
Must have missed the latest release. Publishing now.
I am using version 2.9.0 and the error persists: even with the site configured to use PODLOVE CDN, the webplayer embed code does not change (it is using the player available in my installation):
code obtained from the share button:
<iframe title="Podlove Web Player: BITCAST - BitCast 036 – Libra – a "criptomoeda" do Facebook" width="320" height="400" src="https://bitcast.site/wp-content/plugins/podlove-podcasting-plugin-for-wordpress/lib/modules/podlove_web_player/player_v4/dist/share.html?episode=https%3A%2F%2Fbitcast.site%2F%3Fpodlove_player4%3D45" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" tabindex="0"></iframe>
To make matters worse, my installation’s player doesn’t work either (attached screen too):
again, @MaxZ hack is helping me a lot. thank you
The provided player configuration is missing the “origin” reference. That’s why the player tries to fetch all of the assets from the root url.
Is there anything I can do to get the player to get the correct source settings?
because, in my view, at first the correct way would be for the player to point to the PODLOVE CDN.
Yes you are absolutely right, if you select the CDN the share html should also be used from the CDN.
Is there somewhere where I should point this issue out so that developers are aware of this bug?
Should be fixed with Release 2.9.1