Feature request: When adding a new episode give us the ability to pick a file from Wordpress Media Library


At the moment one has to enter an Episode File Slug, but it would also be great if one could click “Choose” or similar next to it and pick a previously uploaded file in the Media Library.

Thank you

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Never thought of that. :thinking: But indeed this could come in handy, at least if you host your files in your media library.
Well, this should import the file name (slug) not the file itself.

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Yes that’s exactly how I want it to behave! :smiley:

That would be amazing. We already use a WP plugin to offload our files to Amazon S3. Having a button to chose or upload an episode from the Media Library would definitely eliminate a few steps in the workflow of creating episodes.

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This has been on my agenda for (literally) years and is now quite far up on the priority list. I would love to offer this option.


This would definitely be something that would help us a lot too!