Feed no longer accessible

I don’t know much about server administration and I’m glad I got everything working 2 years ago. But now the server crashed the other day and something must have changed. Because my feed can no longer be accessed. I’ll go a bit further to explain the problem to you:

Our URL was originally https://www.podcasts.pixel-ninjas.de/feed/mp3. However, this has changed to Pixel Ninjas. The subdomain has fallen away. Nevertheless, we continued to support both, as most podcatchers or podcast sites still saved the old URL.

If I now go to http://www.podcast.pixel-ninjas.de/feed/mp3, an incorrect page is displayed:


The page Pixel Ninjas still works without problems.

Our page is hosted on an Amazon Lightsail server.

Quite close to the server failure was the expiration of our SSL certificate at lets encrypt. I guess it updates itself 1-2 days before it expires (I assume so), because now it is up to date. When I surf the site in the browser with and without the subdomain, it shows me a valid certificate.

I don’t have any starting points where I could still look and hope for your help.

do you update your Podlove Publisher Plugin?
Which version of Podlove do you use?

Currently we have the version 3.8.1 installed.

I found the problem. The plugin W3 Cache had an error, which caused our page to behave like this. Today a new version came out, which I just installed and suddenly everything works again.