File not found since Let's-Encrypt update

Since my hoster updated on the lastes version of Let’s-Encrypt
i am having this error msg.

RSS Error: WP HTTP Error: cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired

Also … the lastes mp3 file cant be found on the server… and all my pewview images are gone.

is their any fix for this ?

Same here.

When I open Podlove support page in backend says:
“Podlove Image Cache: Unable to download image. cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired.”
The image itself is accessible:

Cleared all caches in Podlove, hit the repair button but the problem persists.

Found a quick fix: in Podlove >> Expert Settings >> Website disable SSL peer check

Maybe the settings path hasn’t the exact wording, my website is set to german.

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thanks that help… but iam wounddering if this gonna make any ohter problems