Is https an issue?

Hi! I’m struggling to get my feed to work. When I add my feed to the Podcast publisher I see what you see in the attached screenshot. I don’t understand why its not working? Is it a problem that I’m on a https? Do you have any other suggestions to what the problem is? 16

Https is no problem.

Do you have episodes in your Feed? iTunes rejects feeds without episodes.

20 Plenty of episodes. Added one just an hour ago.

It seems like there is a enclosure issue. I downloaded the Feeder 3 app just to test. As you can see in the attached screenshot I got an error message. I tried to copy the url in the Link field and paste it in the Enclosure field. That removed the error. Is there something I’ve forgotten to add when I publish episodes?21

Everything seems to appear fine with your feed and enclosures

You could try contacting Apple iTunes support and ask then directly what the issue is on their side.