iTunes not showing episodes, iOS Podcast App does


I am new to Podlove and to releasing podcasts. After setting (hopefully) everything up, I get a valid feed from the Podlove Publisher showing an episode including the player on the website.

Even looking at the feed source shows me the episode I added. Opening that feed in iTunes shows all the basic information, but not the episode. Interestingly the Apple iOS Podcast app shows me the episode and plays it and everything.
The feed looks good and also validates including episodes in random podcast feed validators on the web.

I am using:

Wordpress 4.1.1
Podlove Publisher 2.0.5

Mac OS X 10.10.2

The feed can be found here:

Maybe I am just missing a checkbox somewhere, but would really appreciate your help, as Apple refuses to list the podcast right now.


I don’t think you are using the right feed. To find your feed go to Podlove , feeds, you’ll see a list there. It looks to me like u are using the Wordpress feed for categories podcast, not the one created by podlove

Hi Aaron,

the feed page is showing the same URL and it seems to work everywhere expect iTunes.

Here is my configuration for the feed.

Thanks for your help

Weird. Try changing your feed to something that actually has something to do with enclosure, put m4a in the slug. That’s what I do, that way if you add more feed like a video it’s easy to differentiate here are my feeds I have MP3 and m4a not sure if you hat will help though

Thanks Aaron! Really appreciate your help.

Unfortunately it is not solving the problem.

I’ll try it on my Mac when i get a chance

As a general measure, we recommend running WordPress with a different Permalink setting than the default. There have been yet unsolved issues with feeds and the Publisher. This might or might not help in this situation.

Go to “Settings -> Permalinks -> Common Settings” and select any setting than “Default”. “Post” might work in most cases, but this is up to you.

Hi Tim!

This solved the issue!

Thanks for your help.


The “Day and name” setting for Permalinks also resulted in an empty feed for me.
“Post” works.
