tl;dr I’m moving my whole podcast (WordPress, Podlove episodes) to a new WPMU installation, can I keep my analytics when I only export/import them?
Background: my podcast goes to a new fresh WPMU installation. I want to manually add every episode in the new installation. Can I keep my analytics when I only export/import them as soon as the episodes are complete? Episode media slug will remain the same as in the actual (deprecated) installation. Anything I should take care of that needs to be the same/transferred with each episode for analytics to seamlessly work with the “new” episodes?
(I know I could as well export/import the whole WordPress and Podlove to migrate. But there are several reasons why I do not want to do that. So that way will only be a last emergency-exit.)
If you don’t use the export/import tool, your analytics data has no way of connecting to the episodes because the (internal) episode IDs will be different.
THX, that is helpful information. Just to make sure - the episode ID is what in the episodes list is in the column with the # (see screenshot)? So if I place all episodes in the same order as now and make sure this number is the same - then analytics import should work?
If this is not the ID we talk about - is there any way to find the ID and to make sure it is the same in the new installation?
Unfortunately it’s not that easy. Downloads are associated with a media_file_id which is associated with an episode_id. What you’re looking at is the “Episode Number”. The associations happen through internal ids that are not really visible unless you peek into the database. More details on the data structures is here:
But I don’t think you will be able to manually change some IDs, that would be an immense amount of work.
Ich fürchte in der Hauptsache, daß ich durch einen kompletten Export/Import evtl Einstellungen mitnehme, die in der derzeitigen Installation “kaputt” sind, das manuelle Beitragsbild etwa. Und da ich für das neue WP-Theme ohnehin jede Episode nochmal anfassen muss, wäre der manuelle Einzel-Eintrag jeder Episode ein möglicher Weg für mich, von der frischen Installation zu profitieren.
Jedoch habe ich herausgefunden, daß auch die WP-Kommentare nicht einzeln exportiert werden können, damit stehen die Zeichen nun deutlich auf Gesamt-Export/-Import - verbunden mit der Hoffnung, daß es im neuen WP besser läuft und nicht zu viele seltsame Konfigurationen querschießen