I set up the license for each episode and occasionally I tend to check the “explicit” button. A couple of weeks ago I noticed, that the publisher does not save either of them. It doesn’t matter if I import the license from Auphonic, if I fill it in by hand or if I use the license selector: I see the correct entries in the episode, I still see them after saving, publishing or updating an episode, but as soon as I view the episode (regardless if in preview or published state) the license is no longer displayed. If I then start editing the episode the entries for license and license url are empty and I can import the values from the Auphonic-Production again.
Explicit Button reacts the same way, except there is no import for that.
Here’s my systems report:
Website https://meine-url-ist-laenger-als-deine.de
PHP Version 8.1.28
WordPress Version 6.5.3
WordPress Theme Shipyard Child v1.0
Active Plugins
- ActivityPub v2.3.1
- Antispam Bee v2.11.6
- BBQ Firewall v20240306
- DoNotTrack v0.1.0
- Embed Privacy v1.9.1
- Friends v2.9.2
- Anti-Malware-Sicherheit und Brute-Force-Firewall v4.23.57
- Solid Security Pro v8.4.2
- Jetpack v13.4.1
- Podlove Podcast Publisher v4.1.7
- Podlove Web Player v5.7.3
- WebFinger v3.2.7
- WP-Memory-Usage v1.2.9
WordPress Database Charset utf8
WordPress Database Collate
Publisher Version 4.1.7
Publisher Database Version 157
Web Player Version player_v5
open_basedir ok
curl Version 7.68.0
iconv available
simplexml ok
max_execution_time 60
upload_max_filesize 512M
memory_limit 512M
permalinks ok (/%postname%/)
podlove_permalinks ok
podcast_settings ok
web_player ok
podlove_cache on
- mp3 audio/mpeg Jörn Schaars feiner Podcast
- ogg audio/ogg Jörn Schaars feiner Podcast
- psc application/xml no feed
- m4a audio/mp4 Jörn Schaars feiner Podcast
- vtt text/vtt no feed
cron ok
duplicate_guids ok
0 errors
0 notices
Nice, Everything looks fine!