I would really like to see stats for the day.
Total downloads for the day, which episodes, etc…
Is there any plan to include this view?
I would really like to see stats for the day.
Total downloads for the day, which episodes, etc…
Is there any plan to include this view?
We have discussed this but don’t really see the advantages of a daily summary across all episodes, as download information is a per-episode information and does not really relate to the rest.
What kind of insight do you expect to get from this view?
It is simply to see the amount of traffic, each day.
The guys that I publish our podcast with, often ask, how many downloads today? And I have to hover over the different coloured bars and total up the figure.
It would also show if there is a trend for certain episodes being missed out.
Curiosity is a factor too
The overview graphic on the top of the page actually does accumulate all downloads per day. What information is missing for you?
I don’t see the cumulative total about the days downloads, I have to hover over each slice and add them up.
Here’s the view I see.
you are right. that info is missing and we should probably just add it.
That would be of benefit to me, even if we just see ‘All Time’ - ‘Last Month’ - ‘Today’ would be great.
Something similar for what an episode displays, for a the day would be helpful in analysing where traffic may be coming from. If I promote the website on facebook, I would expect to see more traffic hitting the webplayer than if I promoted the feed via twitter, for instance.
So it would be handy to be able to see if any such promotions are having an effect on that days listeners.