Other languages and general player customization

I would like to translate player to slovenian and I already translated “en.json” found in github “lang” folder.
I am embedding my player, and the only script I’m calling is ‘embed.js’. Where is the rest of the code, so I could customise player to my own needs (set up language, disable links in “share” tab that I don’t need, disable time in “download” tab which is now broken? or is showing publish time?, etc.)?

I can attach slovenian translation if you like.

Thank you very much in advance.

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really appreciate localisation to different languages. Either you create a Pull Request at our repository or feel free to post it in here so I can do that for you :slight_smile:

For customisation: How do you integrate the player? You already can disable a few components. Depending on your needs this can be extended.

I’ll make a pull request :slight_smile:
I intend using player not only for podcasts, but also in general, for audio files. I read the all docs and config pages, but I would still like to modify code on my own. Is it possible?


Sure, documentation is mainly for integrators. If you want to make a custom player you should fork the repo and start to adapt it yourself. It is a fairly modern tech stack featuring Webpack, VueJS and redux. If you need help start development feel free to create a dedicated thread for this so I can guide you through your development setup.

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I would like to change the language of the web player to English. I use the Podlove Podcast Publisher Version 2.7.19 on a German WordPress installation and I can’t find a way in the Podlove menu to change the language for the player. Is that possible?

This is a link to the website and I use the self-hosted player (non CDN).