I’m using Podlove WebPlayer 5.x and I have some performance issues if I show multiple Episodes on my website.
The implementation is following the documentation and I’m unsure how to improve the performance.
Here is my simplified source code: https://pastebin.com/ZZZNPmRq
I’m not using Wordpress.
In total I have 25 episodes on one page and that results in 300 HTTP requests to the podlove webplayer cdn. When I request the page via Shift+F5 (empty cache) it downloads the vendors.js 25 times (198kb each), the bootstrap.js with 92kb too and also small js files called 3.js, 4.js and so on.
Is there a way to load these resources only one time?
The ajax httprequests to “/podcast/GetEpisodeModel?eps=X” are not an issue, because the result in the backend is cached and it takes < 100 ms.
I followed approach 4. and reduced the transferred size of js files from 10.4 MB to 592 KB which is already a big improvement.
The last request has been reduced from 8 seconds to 4 seconds. To reduce the 4 sec seems to be impossible with my current approach. The only way I see is to implement a paging where more episodes are loaded via ajax requests. But now it’s okay for me.
The main issue (too much data downloaded) has been resolved by this trick.