PHP Fatal error (Twig incompatibility)

Hello Richard,

We found a plugin script error in the plugin podlove-podcasting-plugin-for-wordpress . The log of the error is given below. Please contact the script developer to check the plugin script to fix the issue.
Hi, My tech support team found an error Podlove was causing many issues on my server.

[17-Oct-2020 17:40:29 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Class Podlove\Template\TwigLoaderPodloveDatabase contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Twig\Loader\LoaderInterface::getSource) in /home/everymanrad/public_html/wp-content/plugins/podlove-podcasting-plugin-for-wordpress/lib/template/twig_loader_podlove_database.php on line 7

There suggestion for resolution was Please contact the script developer to check the plugin script to fix the issue.
Thank you

Hi, if you update to 3.1 the error should disappear – however there will still be an incompatibility with another plugin that uses Twig in a different/incompatible version.

You can download an older version of Podlove Publisher here: All versions below 3.0 should be compatible with other plugins.

I’m working on a better long-term solution.

I think I have solved the issue in the latest beta version of the plugin. If you would like to try, here’s the download link:

/edit: nevermind, this beta still has issues. I will give notice when a fixed version is available.