Google page speed test ist suggesting some optimization topics when analyzing a page where the podlove player is embedded:

Could we test these proposals to increase the loading-speed of the player?
Page speed test: PageSpeed Insights
Tested URL: Wie entwickelt man erfolgreiche Content-Formate?
Best, Fabian
we’ve already discussed that here: performace optimisation / delayed Javascript · Issue #88 · podlove/podlove-web-player-wp-plugin · GitHub
TL;DR; This would only be possible if we sacrifice the templating/customisation abilities.
Hey, thank you for your quick reply.
I can’t belive there are no other options between templating and speed? At github, you talked about the javascript. What about the css preload?
In my opinion, I can dispense on a lot of the player-customisation compared to the speed issues.
Looking forward to your views!
Best, Fabian
Doesn’t make a difference. To reduce the JS and CSS bundle size a dedicated build is needed. Customisation is a very fundamental ability for the web player. Therefore I probably won’t cover fixed builds with optimised assets in the Wordpress plugin.
So we got performance issues and a layout shift caused by the player (Podlove Player Layout Shift).
That makes it very hard for every webmaster using podlove to achiev the core web vitals…
I think we should try to find solutions for that issues.
Yes Podlove Web Player WordPress will have an impact on the core web vitals. I won’t invest time for performance optimisations in WordPress since the technology stack of WordPress and its ecosystem is the key limiting technology. Further developments will be directed to an independent frontend that will be optimised for speed and user experience (for example https://podlovers.org/ running with GitHub - podlove/podlovers.org: Static Frontend Generator for Podcasts created with Podlove Publisher).
Since you are using WordPress and you could invest time to tackle the layout shifts in your theme. You could also go ahead and create a optimised player version based on our core repository to reduce the amount of CSS and JS that is shipped: GitHub - podlove/podlove-ui: Monorepo for all UI related projects like Web Player and Subscribe Button
Looks like there will be no solution for Podlove Web Player on Wordpress. So I have deinstalled the Web player, to speed up my website. :-/