Podlove Publisher & WordPress 5.6

Trying to create my first episode with WordPress 5.6 and Podlove Podcast Publisher v3.2.2 I encounter a strange problem. WordPress offers its internal editor (block or classic does not matter), asking for some title and offering the usual facilities. Appended to this is the usual form to edit the episode. If I add a title plus an episode slug the title is included in the web player which offers the correct medium. No further content from the episode form is shown AND the title given to the internal WP-editor is displayed as “000 Title”. There is an icon to make this title disappear, in which case the whole entry simply lacks a title.

What ist going on here? Thanks for any advice.


Website https://radius.methexis.info
PHP Version 7.4.13
WordPress Version 5.6
WordPress Theme GeneratePress v3.0.2
Active Plugins
- Akismet Anti-Spam v4.1.8
- Audio Album v1.4.1
- Classic Editor v1.6
- Cue v2.4.1
- WP Podcast v1.3
- Podlove Podcast Publisher v3.2.2
- Podlove Web Player v5.4.8
- UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore v1.16.46
WordPress Database Charset utf8
WordPress Database Collate
Publisher Version 3.2.2
Web Player Version player_v5
Monolog Version 1
open_basedir /home/sites/site100019768/:/home/sites/www.methexis.info/:/tmp/:/dev/:/usr/share/php/:/etc/ssl/certs/:/usr/lib64/php7.2/bin/:/usr/lib64/php7.3/bin/:/usr/lib64/php7.4/bin/:/usr/lib64/php8.0/bin/
curl Version 7.74.0
iconv available
simplexml ok
max_execution_time 120
upload_max_filesize 1000M
memory_limit 1024M
permalinks ok (/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/)
podlove_permalinks ok
podcast_settings Your podcast needs a title.
web_player ok
podlove_cache on


  • Your podcast needs a title.
    1 NOTICE (no dealbreaker, but should be fixed if possible):
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The above description of my conundrum was probably not vivid enough to trigger a response. I enclose a screenshot of my attempts to create an episode in the most recent WordPress version with the most recent publisher. This behaviour, at the moment, prevents my further use of podlove episodes…


Can someone help? Thanks in advance, hopefully,

I found the answer to my problem in Podlove -> Expert Settings:

“Preferred episode number length. If an episode number is smaller than desired, it will be prefixed with zeroes. For example, episode number 1 with a padding of 3 will be printed as 001.”

This is not easy to figure out. Probably add a warning?

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Episode titles and their numbering are indeed not trivial to understand. It would surely be helpful to rethink how they are configured and presented.

As a quick explanation (and possibly further reference for myself), these are the various title variations:

  • blog post title
  • episode title (rss feed: item/title)
  • “clean” episode title (rss feed: item/itunes:title

Then there are the numbers and various conveniences in the Publisher to make this as automatic as possible – however the existence of these variations and conveniences are confusing for beginners.

A preview widget might be useful how the configured titles may appear on the website or in podcatchers.