Podlove Web Player 4.0.7

Podlove Web Player 4.0.7


Transcripts (Beta)

Transcripts is one of the features that has been in development for more than 8 months and challenged us in terms of usability and implementation. Besides a direct mapping to the time axis and a search function. Even though we still work on a high-performance realization for marathon podcasts.


The current version of the player is now also available directly via cdn.podlove.org. This allows us to quickly provide fixes and new features.


  • Autoplay: Url Parameter ?autoplay=true starts the podcast playback on load
  • Autostop: Player respects jetzt time ranges as url parameters ?t=[start],[stop]
  • Millisecond precis time tracking
  • Info Tab: Episode description now respects line feed breaks
  • Preloader: Player now loads with a loading animation
  • Episode title: Now scrolls if not enough space is available
  • Share Tab: Selections now also display matching icons
  • Tooltips: Copy buttons now give feedback after interaction
  • Tabs: Tabs now have a hover state
  • Chapters: Clicking on a chapter now starts it from beginning, ALT + click starts from the hovered location


  • Viewport width adapts correctly on iOS and Android
  • Removed dependency that caused player blocking on Safari and iOS
  • Adapted network error code interpretation on Firefox and Chrome to be more flexible


  • Refactored store logic and Vue components
  • Automated depdencey updates with Greenkeeper
  • Automated previews on all Pull Requests

Gute Arbeit, Danke.
Da ist es doch sicher nur noch ein Katzensprung bis das Wordpress Plugi für die Stanalone Version des Podlove WebPlayer 4.0.7. erscheint, oder?
Und ja ich weiß, Katzen können weit springen.

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Auch hier nochmal, ja da arbeite ich gerade dran: https://github.com/podlove/podlove-web-player/issues/491