Redirect error stops pages from loading (ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS)

Hello community

Every once in a while I get the following error when trying to open a static page on my podcast-website:

Google Chrome:

Microsoft Edge:

(Same on mobile devices)

  • Affected are only static WordPress pages. For example or
  • The main page is not affected.
  • Individual episode pages are not affected (e.g.
  • The archive page made by Podlove (in my case is not affected.
  • The WordPress backend is not affected.

The temporary solution:
Podlove -> Tools -> Repair button
Just clearing the cache does not solve the issue.

Unfortunately, this is only a temporary fix. The issue will reappear sometime in the near future.
Therefore pages of my website will be temporarily unavailable for visitors until I notice and fix the issue again.

Is there a way to solve this problem once and for all?

Website                    https://GameTalk.FM
PHP Version                7.1.21
WordPress Version          4.9.8
WordPress Theme            Joeys Twenty Fifteen Child v1.0
Active Plugins             
           - Akismet Anti-Spam v4.0.8
           - Limit Login Attempts v1.7.1
           - Podlove Podcast Publisher v2.7.11
           - Yoast SEO v8.1
WordPress Database Charset utf8
WordPress Database Collate 
Publisher Version          2.7.11
Web Player Version         player_v4
Twig Version               1.35.3
open_basedir               ok
curl Version               7.54.0
iconv                      available
simplexml                  ok
max_execution_time         50
upload_max_filesize        100M
memory_limit               256M
disable_functions          exec, shell_exec, system, dl, passthru, proc_open, proc_close
permalinks                 ok (/%postname%/)
podlove_permalinks         ok
podcast_settings           ok
web_player                 ok
podlove_cache              on
  - mp3    audio/mpeg       https://GameTalk.FM/feed/mp3/
  - m4a    audio/mp4        https://GameTalk.FM/feed/m4a/
cron                       ok

0 errors
0 notices
Nice, Everything looks fine!

I seem to experience the same issue in the current Publisher version 3.8.1. Have you ever found a solution or a better workarround?

This seems to be a known issue: It could be this one reported on GitHub some time ago. The issue has been closed though. There is no solution in sight.