Release 2.3.4

Web Player (v3 Beta)

The new web player can be selected in Expert Settings > Web Player. Please try it out and send us your feedback. Thanks!

  • update player
  • add theme player options
  • fix player permalink parameter
  • fix player width on Mobile Safari


  • fix Auphonic workflow bug: when finishing a production, media files would sometimes erroneously be detected as not existing
  • detect when the configured Auphonic Preset does not exist
  • fix focus when adding new related episode rows
  • chosen search fields allow partial searches
  • enable Twig date extension to allow time_diff filter; see Date Extension Documentation

just a quick question/feedback: is there a way to include timestamps when sharing a link to an episode? Can’t make it happen…

Tried to activate web player 3 on - the player on the individual episode pages seems to work. But on the podcast landing page I get the following message:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied foreach() in [...]/player_v3/html5printer.php on line 53

The Physical Soiree seems to have the same problem: Any ideas?

Found that the warning is caused by


in the landing page. also has no working download files, which makes me wonder if that’s the issue.

I assume you generate using Podlove Templates? Then you should also generate the player with {{ episode.player }}. If I understand the situation correctly, the problem should occur no matter if you are using v2 or v3 of the player. Due do the way WordPress works, the shortcode doesn’t know which post/episode it is in.

Not at the moment.