I’m still having embed issues. Here’s my episode, where the player works fine: https://derekbruff.org/blogs/fywscrypto/2018/12/12/episode-24-the-panizzardi-telegram/. But here’s what I get when I copy the embed code from that player: https://derekbruff.org/blogs/fywscrypto/2018/08/28/testing/.
Any idea what’s wrong?
Looks like your site is blocking requests from cdn.podlove.org. If you go to Publisher module settings and use the player included in Podlove Publisher instead you shouldn’t run into this issue. If you would like to continue using the Podlove CDN, contact your admin to find out why it’s blocked.
Thanks. I tried switching to “no, deliver with WordPress” in my module settings but that didn’t help. I’m still seeing the broken player on my other site. I emailed my hosting provider to see if they can figure out what’s not working.