Required information missing To play the podcast important references to audio files are missing

Hi everyone
(sorry for my english, I’m not english native speaker :slight_smile: ).
I put all information required on the video setup. But the file don’t work.
I see the whole plugin display but when clic on play nothing happeds…
I’ve a message on the top of the player :

" Required information missing
To play the podcast important references to audio files are missing. "
Please, who to solve this problem ?
Thank’s a lot :wink:

Do you have a link to have a look at the issue?

1 Like


  "show": {
    "title": "PODCASTS",
    "subtitle": "D\u00e9velopper votre client\u00e8le",
    "summary": "Le Podcast Le Coin des Praticiens est une \u00e9mission audio qui aide les th\u00e9rapeutes et praticiens en th\u00e9rapies br\u00e8ves & coachings \u00e0 d\u00e9velopper leur visibilit\u00e9 en ligne et hors ligne..\r\nOn y parle strat\u00e9gie marketing, techniques d'\u00e9criture de contenu, de mindset...",
    "poster": "https:\/\/\/wp-content\/cache\/podlove\/65\/dbed6a1d9673652e831b008b30f933\/podcasts_500x500.png",
    "link": "https:\/\/"
  "reference": {
    "share": "https:\/\/\/wp-content\/plugins\/podlove-podcasting-plugin-for-wordpress\/lib\/modules\/podlove_web_player\/player_v4\/dist\/share.html",
    "config": "https:\/\/\/?podlove_player4=1"
  "theme": {
    "main": "#b30000"
  "title": "[PODCAST] Optimisation pour les moteurs de recherche : comment \u00e7a marche le SEO",
  "subtitle": "Le SEO ce sont toutes les actions \u00e0 mener sur un site Internet (ou un blog, une chaine YouTube...) pour le rendre visible aux internautes et \u00eatre mieux index\u00e9 par les moteurs de recherche.",
  "summary": "Nous aborder la question du SEO ? Ou L'optimisation pour les moteurs de recherche (Search engine Optimization)\r\nLe SEO ce sont toutes les actions \u00e0 mener sur un site Internet (ou un blog, une chaine YouTube...) pour le rendre visible aux internautes et \u00eatre mieux index\u00e9 par les moteurs de recherche.",
  "publicationDate": "2019-01-16T09:20:23+00:00",
  "poster": "https:\/\/\/wp-content\/cache\/podlove\/65\/dbed6a1d9673652e831b008b30f933\/podcasts_500x500.png",
  "duration": "00:26:20.560",
  "link": "https:\/\/\/optimisation-moteur-recherche-seo-therapeute\/",
  "audio": [],
  "chapters": []

This is the configuration that is provided to the player. As you can see there are no audio files available. So I guess this is an misconfiguration within the publisher.

First thank’s :slight_smile:
the configuration seems to be very correct…I don’t understand. When clic on play I can listen to the audion file…


Hi limsa,

can you provide more information? Are you sure the audio files are appearing in the edit view of your episode like in the screenshot?