searches reveal that the guid is stored as meta as _podlove_guid.
Tried retrieving it the standard WP way as other meta data… but no joy.
How can I retrieve the episode guid? Don’t want to change it… just want to get it.
searches reveal that the guid is stored as meta as _podlove_guid.
Tried retrieving it the standard WP way as other meta data… but no joy.
How can I retrieve the episode guid? Don’t want to change it… just want to get it.
Not sure what you tried, this should work:
get_post_meta($post->ID, '_podlove_guid', true)
I tried it like that before… maybe I was plugging in the wrong ID.
Works as shown.
Let me continue looking stupid by asking how can I get the default feed of the podcast. I have tried using the template tags to no avail:
$feed = Feed::find_one_by_slug(“mp3”); returns null
and this returns a single empty array:
$test = \Podlove\get_podcast();
$feed = $test->feeds();
[“podcast_feed”]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(0) { } }
this blows up:
Tried looking for a feed REST API call, no joy.
I get nothing but null or a crash on undefined.
Does this return something? Otherwise I’m fairly sure that there are no feeds