I’m sorry for my newbie question - I’m not familar with redux. I would like to set the playtime of the player after initialization with something like this:
.podlovePlayer("#app", "fixtures/episode.json", "fixtures/config.json")
.then(store => {
payload: 60000
But it doesn’t work. What am I doing wrong here?
Not a newbie question at all
You are on the right track, to request a playtime update you should use PLAYER_REQUEST_PLAYTIME

Ok - I tried it, but there is no difference? Is “payload” correct? Milliseconds?
Yes payload in milliseconds. Could you give me a reference so I can debug what’s happening behind the scenes?
Here is a simple example: https://verunsicherung.de/upload/podloveplayer-test.zip
Just unzip file and use it on a webserver (e.g. run “python -m SimpleHTTPServer” in directory and open http://localhost:8000/ in browser.
Ah ok, yes it is a bit more complicated:
.podlovePlayer("#podcastplayer", "podlove_folge64.json", "podlove_config.json")
.then((store) => {
store.subscribe(() => {
const { lastAction } = store.getState();
if (lastAction.type === 'PLAYER_READY') {
payload: 60000
I would suggest to also disable the “persistPlaystate” feature since it will interfere with your efforts. You should add this to the config:
"features": {
"persistPlaystate": false
Finally there is already an option to add the playtime to the url in the ISO-8601 format like this: ?t=01:00
Yeah, thank you - it works!
Yes, but I’m using the player inside a vuejs component and set the playtime as result of some other actions of the user.
You might also want to have a look at the native integration. This is a very small example: Player Example - CodeSandbox