Setting up the Web Player


I’m trying to set up the web player, as described here:

My HTML is as simple as it could be:

<script src=""></script>


<div id="podlove_player" style="width: 100%, height: 100%">

  podlovePlayer('#podlove_player', '/episoden/zukunft-gestalten', '/assets/config.json');



… but nothing loads.

The config.json file here

Doesn’t seem to have an opening curly brace. That might be a mistake?

However, also adding that brace doesn’t solve it.

version: 5

is not proper JSON, is it?

When I go and convert everything a la

"version": "5"

still I end up with a white page.


Any ideas are appreciated! Thank you!

I made a minimal online version of my problem:

Thank you for looking into this!

ReferenceError: podlovePlayer is not defined

You might need to wait for the site to be done loading before calling it. Because when I call it manually via the console, it’s available.

podlovePlayer(‘#podlove_player’, ‘podcast.xml’, ‘config.json’);

I don’t think you can pass an xml here. You can start with the example json object from here: Configuration | Podlove Documentation

Thank you!

The config.json from the

website isn’t valid JSON, apparently – also adding an opening curly brace in the very beginning (which is missing) doesn’t fix it?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Yes since JSON doesn’t allows comments.

Thank you, I made some progress by now based on your comments!

However, the configuration (in which I defined yellow as the brand color) doesn’t seem to load properly:

This is my current episode – but the config JSON doesn’t get loaded somehow?

Config JSON:

This is my episode JSON which loads nicely:

Thank you!

Any ideas on this would be highly appreciated. Thank you!

Is it by intention that you use the WebPlayer 4 instead of 5?

No, I was actually aiming for WebPlayer 5 - I used this embed

<script src=""></script>

from here

– is that linking to V4?

Thank you!

Once I switch it to

<script src=""></script>

I get a syntax error on the console:


There seems to be an issue with the your Markup, see if this one might work:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src=""></script>

    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    <title> </title>
    <div id="podlove_player"></div>


Oh, wow! Much better:

I’d say, slowly but surely we’re getting there :slight_smile:


Now it’s complaining about missing media files, but I have the feeling that I’m providing correctly structured configuration JSONs for both media and config. Is there any way to get a more explicit error message – or do you have an idea about what could be the root of the problem?

Thank you very much for your help!

The server sends the json files as text/html, thats why the player can’t parse it. It should be application/json.

Screenshot 2022-12-10 at 09.14.47

That did it! Thank you very much! :slight_smile: The config is loading now, and so are the media files.

Again, thank you very much for your help!

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One more question:

I set up our live podcast with the new player

However, I have the feeling that when I select a new episode from the playlist, hiccups seem to occur: The chapters don’t load, audio (even though it plays!) doubles up sometimes – am I doing something wrong with the playlist?

All the best,

Chapters needs to be part of the provided configuration. Either inline in the episode.json file or as a reference (see Configuration | Podlove Documentation). I tried to reproduce the doubled up audio but couldn’t. What browser do you use?

Thanks, it works fine now!

I went on to make a manual playlist underneath, which will let users get easier to other episodes with their shareable URLs.

Thank you for all your support!