Webplayer 5 Shortcode displayed in Podcatcher

The shortcode for the new webplayer, which we have been using for a few episodes now, is shown at Pocket Casts. The old shortcode is not (see examples). So far I have only observed this with pocket casts.

Screenshot_20200520-122713 Screenshot_20200520-122728

By default the player is excluded from the feed in the Podlove Template. Maybe you edited the template and that condition got lost?

{% if not is_feed() %}

	{# display web player for episode #}
	{{ episode.player }}
{% endif %}

As default I can see this code but there are two additional lines. Maybe the last one causes the issue?

{% if not is_feed() %}

	{# display web player for episode #}
	{{ episode.player }}
	{# display download menu for episode #}
	{% include "@core/shortcode/downloads-select.twig" %}

{% endif %}

Can you check if you enabled the automatic insertion in posts? (Settings > Podlove Web Player > Settings)

Hallo @zusatzstoff, @meszner hatte mich heute drauf hingewiesen, dass anscheinend auch bei Staatsbürgerkunde der Embed-Code mit im Feed landet:
In den Webplayer-Settings sieht es ao bei mir aus:

Hmm, gute Frage wie der Feed generiert wird, kannst du mal das Template posten?

Klar, das sähe dann so aus:

<h2>{{ episode.subtitle }}</h2>
<h3>Veröffentlicht am {{ episode.publicationDate }}<br>
Laufzeit: {% set Stunden = episode.duration.hours %}
    {% set Minuten = episode.duration.minutes %} 
    {% set Sekunden = episode.duration.seconds %} 
    {{ Stunden }} 
    {% if Stunden == 0 or Stunden > 1 %} Stunden
        {% elseif Stunden  == 1 %} Stunde
    {% endif %}
    {{ Minuten }} 
    {% if Minuten == 0 or Minuten > 1 %} Minuten
        {% elseif Minuten == 1 %} Minute
    {% endif %}</h3><br>
[podlove-episode-web-player template="sbk" theme="sbk" config="sbk"]<br>
<p><img src="{{ episode.image({fallback: true}).url }}" alt="{{ episode.title }}" width="350" height="350" style="float:left; margin-right:1em"</img><span style="float:right; margin-left:0.5em"></span>{{ episode.summary }}</p>
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Alles was du nicht explizit im Feed haben möchtest, kannst du so ausklammern:

{% if not is_feed() %}

    [podlove-episode-web-player template="sbk" theme="sbk" config="sbk"]<br>

{% endif %}
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Danke Dir! Ich nehme den @meszner mal in Kopie :slight_smile: