Webplayer extension for Typo3


we´ve developed a typo3 extension for displaying podcast episodes with the podlove webplayer v5, while having wordpress as audio CMS in parallel to typo3. You can see the online example at https://www.liferadio.at/podcasts, e.g. https://www.liferadio.at/life-radio-podcasts/bier-und-makellose-zaehne

As you see all episode objects are created at typo3 with placing the json files locally at the typo3 server (there was a CORS problem). We´re grabbing the episode by the podcast feed, where the post id is set in order to get the correct episode json file (how to is here: https://nichteinschalten.de/podlove-rest-schnittstellen-benutzen/). There are different plugin views:

  • Podcast overview list with link to detail page
  • Displaying a single or the latest episode of a show
  • Having a detail page with the given episode

All metadata fields are controlled by wordpress and podlove podcast publisher: changes at the webplayer are also done in WordPress directly - typo3 is only importing via cron every hour the episodes with the given json files of podlove. Also there is full show module support!

If you´re interested in using this extension get in touch with https://www.chilischarf.at.

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