Podlove Podcast Publisher 4.1.13 incompatible with WordPress 6.6.1

I am writing to caution anyone looking to update to Podlove Podcast Publisher 4.1.13 and the latest WordPress 6.6.1. As soon as I updated WordPress after first updating Podcast Publisher, my site will no longer let me login to my wp-admin / admin dashboard at all. Renaming the plugin with CPANEL using the File Manager successfully deactivated Podlove Podcast Publisher and made my admin console again appear.

I have had consistent problems with Podlove Podcast Publisher the past 6+ months and have had to deactivate all of my other plugins as a result. The only two plugins I’m using now are Podlove Podcast Publisher and Podlove Web Player, I’ve had to discontinue use of my WordPress security plugin and backup plugin.

I have loved using Podlove for years but these incompatibility issues are maddening and make me want to migrate to another platform. Since I have hundreds of podcasts on my site, however, that would be a major undertaking, however, which I don’t have the time to do presently.

I’d love to have a workaround but I think I will just have to keep the plugin deactivated until it’s compatibility with the latest WordPress is fixed. My old podcasts will just be broken / not accessible till then, unfortunately. :frowning:

Hi, sorry to hear about these issues.

Is there any specific error message you can report?

Otherwise, I can only suggest to try to download the plugin from Podlove Podcast Publisher – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org and upload manually. Maybe something went wrong during the upgrade process.

If you can name your security and backup plugin, I can look at compatibility issues. Sorry if you reported these before and then got lost in the depths of a todo list.

I’ve only been using Podlove for a month or so but a couple times it has stopped working. All my links to Episodes just 404. I eventually figured out that deactivating and reactivating the Podlove Podcast Publisher plugin resolves it. I haven’t figured out what triggers this. Same versions as you.